Kloxo-MR is a fork of original LXCenter’s kloxo project and its developed by Mustafa Ramadan, hence the “MR”. Kloxo MR not only fixes the bugs of Kloxo but it has many additional features like the ability to switch to Nginx server. Its nice to see kloxo getting some fixes and going forward.
Kloxo-MR Features
- OS: Redhat/CentOS 5 and 6 (32bit and 64bit) or their variants
- Billing: AWBS, WHMCS, HostBill, TheHostingTool, AccountLab Plus and Blesta (note: claim by billing’s author)
- Web server: Nginx, Nginx-Proxy and Lighttpd-proxy; beside Httpd and Lighttpd (in progress: Varnish, Hiawatha, ATS and Httpd 2.4) *)
- Php: Dual-php with php 5.3/5.4 as primary and php 5.2 as secondary (in progress: multiple-php) *)
- PHP-type for Apache: php-fpm_worker/event and fcgidworker/event; beside modphp/ruid2/itk and suphp/worker/event
- Mail server: qmail-toaster instead special qmail (in progress: change from courier-imap to dovecot as imap/pop3) *)
- Database: MySQL or MariaDB
- Database Manager: PHPMyAdmin; Adminer, MyWebSql and SqlBuddy as additional **)
- Webmail: Afterlogic Webmail Lite, Telaen, Squirrelmail and Roundcube; Horde and T-Dah dropped
- FTP server: Pure-ftpd
- DNS Server: Bind and Djbdns; ready testing for Powerdns, MaraDNS and NSD *)
- Addons: ClamAV, Spamassassin/Bogofilter/Spamdyke and RKHunter
- Fixed many bugs of Kloxo Official (including security issues)
- And many more!
Here’s how to install Kloxo-MR, Deploy Centos 5,6 32bit or 64bit version on your server and follow these steps:
Kloxo-MR Installation process
First, update your CentOS 5/6 32 or 64-bit:
# yum update -y
Install the needed packages:
# yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal subversion curl zip unzip -y # yum install telnet -y
Disable SELinux:
# setenforce 0 # echo ‘SELINUX=disabled’ > /etc/selinux/config
Download KloxoMR repo:
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ # wget https://github.com/mustafaramadhan/kloxo/raw/release/kloxo-mr.repo --no-check-certificate # cd /
Install KloxoMR:
# yum install kloxomr -y

Now, run installer:
# sh /script/upcp
It will ask you whether you want to install it as slave or master. Choose the option 1 (Master) and click enter. That’s it. Reboot the server after installation completes.
# reboot
Visit youip:7778 on your web browser to view the control panel and default user name and password is “admin”.

That is it.
See also:
How to install Kloxo panel
Open source cPanel alternative
It solves good amount of kloxo bugs and adds decent numbers of new features to the existing installation. Better to install fresh than update.
Wget doesn’t work. Use this command:
wget https://raw.github.com/mustafaramadhan/kloxo/dev/kloxo/install/kloxo-mr.repo –no-check-certificate
yum install wget -y
Thanks….. finally you have provided the solution that actually works………
i have been trying to install this on my vps with 64 bit centOS 6 . finally your solution works
Thanks a lot 🙂
Tem muitos comandos por ai, mas este realmente funciona.
muito obrigado