Duf – Free disk monitoring utility for Linux

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By rasho

duf is one of the fancy Linux disk monitoring utilities written in Golang. It is released under MIT license and It supports Linux, macOS, BSD, and even Windows too.

Features of duf

  • Gives you an overview of all the devices mounted which is easy to understand
  • Ability to specify a directory/file name and check free space for that mount point
  • Change/Remove columns from the output
  • List inode information
  • Sort the output
  • JSON output supported
  • Ability to specify the theme if it does not detect your terminal’s theme automatically

How to install duf on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Use the wget command or curl command to download file:

$ https://github.com/muesli/duf/releases/download/v0.6.2/checksums.txt
$ wget https://github.com/muesli/duf/releases/download/v0.6.2/duf_0.6.2_linux_amd64.deb
$ sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Now, Install duf .deb package on Debian or Linux Mint packages:

$ sudo apt install ./duf_0.6.2_linux_amd64.deb


How to use Duf disk monitoring utility

Now, launch the application by simply typing duf from the terminal.

Duf - Linux Disk Usage
Duf – Linux Disk Usage

If you want to take a look at all the available commands using duf at a glance, you can type in:

$  duf --help
Usage of duf:
    	include pseudo, duplicate, inaccessible file systems
  -hide string
    	hide specific devices, separated with commas:
    	local, network, fuse, special, loops, binds
  -hide-fs string
    	hide specific filesystems, separated with commas
    	list inode information instead of block usage
    	output all devices in JSON format
  -only string
    	show only specific devices, separated with commas:
    	local, network, fuse, special, loops, binds
  -only-fs string
    	only specific filesystems, separated with commas
  -output string
    	output fields: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem
  -sort string
    	sort output by: mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem (default "mountpoint")
  -style string
    	style: unicode, ascii (default "unicode")
  -theme string
    	color themes: dark, light (default "dark")
    	display version
    	output all warnings to STDERR
  -width uint
    	max output width
duf - only local voew
duf – only local voew

You can print only specific file systems or devices by passing it as an argument. Since I created this machine in a single partition everything is mounted on the root (/). Based upon your partition scheme you will see different output.

$ duf /home /usr /opt
$ duf /root/
$ duf /var/log

Another example would be sorting the output based on the size in a particular order, here’s what you need to type:

duf --sort size

And, the output should look like:

duf - sort by size
Duf – sort by size

You can pass --all flag to display Pseudo, inaccessible, and duplicate file systems.

$ duf -all

You have the option to print only certain columns bypassing the column name as an argument to --output flag. Example:

$ duf --output used,size,avail,usage
Duf - custimized output
Duf – custimized output

You can explore its GitHub page for more information on additional commands and installation instructions.
Is there anything similar to this tool that you know of? Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.

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