LibreOffice is the most powerful, free, and open-source office productivity software suite, which is used by millions of users across the world due to its clean and easy-to-use interface with feature-packed tools that assist you to unleash your creativity and increase your productiveness.
LibreOffice suite includes various applications and is available in over 100 languages and dialects which makes it the most adaptable office suite on the market. It includes programs for Writer (word processing), Calc (creating and editing spreadsheets), Impress (presentations, slideshows, diagrams, and drawings), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (working with databases), and Math (composing mathematical formulae).
There are many changes and features included in the newest LibreOffice 7.1.3 – for a complete list of new features, see the release announcement page.
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]See also: Install Kingsoft Office (Microsoft office alternative) in Linux[/box]
The installation instructions provided here are for LibreOffice 7.1.3 using the language US English on a 64-Bit system. For 32-Bit Systems, LibreOffice dropped the support and no longer provide 32-bit binary releases.
Install LibreOffice on CentOS/RHEL linux
First, download LibreOffice latest version from official site:
# wget
If any previously installed LibreOffice or OpenOffice versions you have, remove them using the following command.
# yum remove openoffice* libreoffice*
Now, Install LibreOffice:
# tar zxvf LibreOffice_7.1.3_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz
After extracting the package, you will get a directory and under this, there will be a sub-directory called RPMS. Now, run the following command to install it.
# cd /tmp/LibreOffice_7.1.3.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/ # yum localinstall *.rpm
Once the installation process completes you will have LibreOffice icons in your desktop under Applications –> Office menu

or start the application by executing the following command on the terminal.
# libreoffice7.1
When the above command runs, the following LibreOffice initial window displays on the terminal:

In this article, we have given the details about the LibreOffice installation on CentOS 7/8 distribution. To explore more features of LibreOffice, install it on your system. I hope all the above-mentioned steps will help you in the LibreOffice installation. You can also install Libreoffice through the graphical user interface from its official website. Thanks for reading this tutorial.