To setup custom nameservers in Kloxo control panel, you have to register custom nameservers with your server IP address(-es) in your domain registrar control panel. When custom nameservers is registered in your domain registrar control panel, then you can setup custom nameservers inside your Kloxo control panel:

1) Login to Kloxo control panel as admin.
2) Click on the “DNS Templates” icon from the home screen.
3) Click the “Add DNS Template” tab and you will see the following form as in image.
4) Fill in the form.
5) In DNS Template Name field enter your prefered DNS template name (any name).
6) From the dropdown lists choose your IP address(-es) for your Web and Mail services.
7) In “Primary DNS” and “Secondary DNS” enter your custom nameservers hostnames (the same you have registered in your domain registrar control panel).
8) Press “Add” button.
9) Then change DNS for your domain to you custom DNS servers in domain registrar control panel.
10) If all setup is done correctly, then it may take up to a 24-48 hours for DNS changes to take effect.