Fedora project is celebrating 10th year anniversory. Fedora 20 is officially released on 17th December 2013. Fedora 20 is one of the most stable Operating system with Latest Opensource Technologies. It releases with 5 Different Desktop Environments Gnome 3.10, KDE 4.11 Plasma, Xfce, LXDE and MATE.

What is New in Fedora 20
GNOME 3.10 revamps the system status menu, adds Zimbra support to Evolution, and adds the new gnome-music and gnome-maps applications.
KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.11 adds faster Nepomuk indexing, improvements to Kontact, and Metalink and HTTP support to KGet, and a metric squillion other changes. Fedora is definitely the best distro to see the latest in GNOME and KDE.
From Fedora 20 ARM is considered as a Primary Architecture. You can download a Fedora Remix for ARM.
Fedora 20 comes with all packages needed to run Apache Hadoop 2.2.0.
Fedora 20 includes first class cloud images for all popular cloud platforms like Amazone EC2. Downlaod Cloud Images or find a supported EC2 image, here
JBoss Application Server is now WildFly 8. With WildFly 8, it’s possible to run your Java EE 7 applications with unparalleled speed.
Fedora 20 comes with Ruby on Rails 4.0. Rails 4.0 also brings improved functionality, speed, security, and better modularization.
Network Manager is getting several improvements in Fedora 20 that will be welcome additions for power users and system administrators. Users will now be able to add, edit, delete, activate, and de-activate network connections via the command line tool. Network Manager is also getting support for bonding interfaces and bridging interfaces.
Fedora 20 removes sendmail as a common Fedora installs have no need of a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
The systemd journal now takes the place as the default logging solution for minimal and other selected installation methods, such as the Live Desktop DVD, having been tested and able to manage persistent logging in place of syslog.
Other improvements include:
- Experimental 3D printing support
- New ACPICA Tools
- Developer Assistant GUI
- General NetworkManager Improvements
- Linux 3.11.10
- GCC 4.8.2
- LibreOffice 4.1.3
- Firefox 25.0
- Xorg X Server 1.14.4
Update Fedora 16/17/18/19 to Fedora 20
FedUp (FEDora UPgrader) is the name of a new system for upgrading Fedora installs in Fedora 18 and later. It replaces all of the previously recommended upgrade methods (PreUpgrade and DVD) that were been used in previous Fedora releases.
# sudo yum update # sudo yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install fedup # sudo fedup-cli --network 20
Once that’s finished, you’ll want to reboot to finish the update.
Don’t forget–always back up your data before running an upgrade! Also note that if you’re using non-Fedora repositories, you may experience problems updating.